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Auto-Import Folders

Rancher simplifies the registration of components through auto-import folders.

This must feature must be enabled in an extension, by calling the importTypes function in the extension's initialization function, for example:

import { importTypes } from '@rancher/auto-import';

// Initialize the extension
export default function(plugin: IPlugin) {
// Auto-import model, detail, edit from the folders

// ...

With this enabled, the extension build tooling will auto-generate component registration for you, based on folder names, without you having to do this manually.

The folder names match the type property of the register function. For example, to automatically register a list component, create a folder named list in your extension and ensure the code above is added.

The ID of the component is taken from the filename, so to automatically get the equivalent of:

import NamespaceList from './NamespaceList.vue`;

// Initialize the extension
export default function(plugin: IPlugin) {

plugin.register('list', 'namespace', NamespaceList);

// ...

you would instead create the component namespace.vue in the list folder. Here the filename namespace.vue matches the id namespace (the .vue extension is ignored).