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Overview on routing structure for Rancher Dashboard

To become familiar with routing on VueJS and route definition we recommend that you should give a read about the Essentials on Vue Router and also the definition of a Vue Router route.

Rancher Dashboard follows a specific route pattern that needs to be fulfilled in order for Extensions to work properly with the current overall logic of the application. That pattern needs on the url path to include which product we are trying to load and which cluster we are using.

As example of an existing route, say the Fleet product, let's look at the current url structure for it:


In terms of the route definition (Vue Router), we would translate this url to:

const clusterManagerRoute = {
name: 'c-cluster-product',
path: 'c/:cluster/:product',
params: {
cluster: '_',
product: 'fleet'
meta: {
cluster: '_',
product: 'fleet'

As we can see from the example above, we have defined on the path the wildcards for cluster and product. Also we can see the definition of params property, which is needed for internal app navigation and where we define the cluster value as _ , which in terms of the app context this means that we are using a "blank cluster" which translates that the app doesn't need to care about the cluster context for the Fleet product to run. Also we are defining product value as fleet, which in turn tells the app what is the correct product to load.

With this pattern of wildcards and params in mind, then how does the route structure should look like for a top-level Extension product? In short, it needs to follow this pattern:

const YOUR_EXT_PRODUCT_NAME = 'myExtension';

const baseRouteForATopLevelProduct = {
name: `${ YOUR_EXT_PRODUCT_NAME }-c-cluster`,
path: `/${ YOUR_EXT_PRODUCT_NAME }/c/:cluster`,
params: {
cluster: '_',
meta: {
cluster: '_',

As we can see we have dismissed the product wildcard on the path and replaced it with the Extension product name to make it unique. With the product param we make sure that the is taken to the correct product at all time. This structure on the above example ensures that all the wiring needed for the Extension to work properly on Rancher Dashboard is done. There's even the case where the wildcard resource needs to be defined in order to display information about Kubernetes resources or custom CRDs. An example of a resource route in a top-level Extension product would be:

const YOUR_EXT_PRODUCT_NAME = 'myExtension';
const RESOURCE_NAME = 'my-resource-name';

const routeForATopLevelProductResource = {
name: `${ YOUR_EXT_PRODUCT_NAME }-c-cluster-resource`,
path: `/${ YOUR_EXT_PRODUCT_NAME }/c/:cluster/:resource`,
params: {
cluster: '_',
meta: {
cluster: '_',

With this overview on how routing works in Rancher Dashboard, we should be ready to cover the registration of custom pages, resource pages and general route definition. For more detailed information on top-level product routing, check this page here.

If you are interested in cluster-level product routing, check this page here.