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Version: v3

Extensions Catalog

For information on adding your extension to this page, see here.


Prime Extensions are developed by SUSE and available to Rancher Prime customers.


Partner Extensions are developed by SUSE Partners and are available to all Rancher users form the partner extensions catalog that is installed by default.


Community Extensions cover all other extensions developed by the community. SUSE has not vetted, reviewed or verified these extensions and takes no liability for them. Use of these extensions is at your own risk. SUSE reserves the right to reject or remove extensions which are broken, dangerous, or expose known vulnerabilities. To report an issue with an extension on this page, contact SUSE via the #extensions channel on the Rancher User's Slack.

Be the first to contribute an extension!

Add your extension to this page

Fork this repository and create a new yaml file in the docusaurus/docs/extensions/catalog, name it with the name of your extension and a file extension of .yaml.

The content for this file should be based off of this template:

name: <Name of your extension>
author: <Name to show as the author of the extension>
authorUrl: <URL to open in a new tab when the user clicks on the author name>
description: <Short description of the extension - please limit to around 120 characters>
url: <URL to open in a new tab when the user clicks on the 'Learn More...' link>
icon: <URL for the icon to show for your extension - this should be sized 48x48 pixels>

Open a PR that adds your yaml file. The team will review your PR and once approved and merged, your extension will appear here.

For examples, see

  • Add your extension to this page