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Version: v3

Custom VueX Stores

Extensions may want to define their own custom VueX stores.

Initializing Extension Stores

Extensions should explicitly register any store modules in their index.ts by using the addDashboardStore extension method. This will also add familiar Vuex actions for retrieving and classifying resources, details of which can be found in shell/plugins/dashboard-store/index.

An example would be to define in the folder store of your extension a basic configuration on an index.ts file, such as:

import { CoreStoreSpecifics, CoreStoreConfig } from '@shell/core/types';
import getters from './getters'; // this would be your getters file on your extension /store folder
import mutations from './mutations'; // this would be your mutations file on your extension /store folder
import actions from './actions'; // this would be your actions file on your extension /store folder

// to achieve naming consistency throughout the extension
// we recommend this to be defined on a config file and exported
// so that the developer can import it wherever it needs to be used
const YOUR_PRODUCT_NAME = 'the-name-of-your-product';

const yourExtensionFactory = (): CoreStoreSpecifics => {
return {
state() {
return { someStateVariable: '' };

getters: { ...getters },

mutations: { ...mutations },

actions: { ...actions },
const config: CoreStoreConfig = { namespace: YOUR_PRODUCT_NAME };

export default {
specifics: yourExtensionFactory(),

In the store folder you just need to create the getters.js, actions.js and mutations.js files and write up your store code there, based on the convention of Vuex.

And on the index.ts on your root folder, where you define your extension configuration, you can just use the addDashboardStore extension method, such as:

import { importTypes } from '@rancher/auto-import';
import { IPlugin } from '@shell/core/types';
import extensionStore from './store';

// Init the package
export default function(plugin: IPlugin) {
// Auto-import model, detail, edit from the folders

// Provide extension metadata from package.json
// it will grab information such as `name` and `description`
plugin.metadata = require('./package.json');

// Load a product

// => => => Add Vuex store
plugin.addDashboardStore(extensionStore.config.namespace, extensionStore.specifics, extensionStore.config);

Extensions can optionally define their own cluster store module by setting isClusterStore in the store index, eg:

// to achieve naming consistency throughout the extension
// we recommend this to be defined on a config file and exported
// so that the developer can import it wherever it needs to be used
const YOUR_PRODUCT_NAME = 'the-name-of-your-product';

const config: CoreStoreConfig = {
isClusterStore: true

export default {
specifics: harvesterFactory(),
init: steveStoreInit

This will cause the shell loadCluster action to run the extension's loadCluster action when entering a package, and the extension store's unsubscribe and reset when leaving.